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A review of studies on blood lead concentrations of traditional Mexican pottersgrwglfadmin2022-04-06T14:18:37+00:00
Environmental exposure to lead and hematological parameters in Afro-Brazilian children living near artisanal glazed pottery workshopsgrwglfadmin2022-04-06T14:18:37+00:00
National report of blood lead levels and lead-glazed ceramics use in vulnerable children / Reporte Nacional de Niveles de Plomo en Sangre y Uso de Barro Vidriado en Población Infantil Vulnerablegrwglfadmin2022-04-06T14:18:37+00:00
Metal exposures from aluminum cookware: An unrecognized public health risk in developing countriesgrwglfadmin2022-04-06T14:18:38+00:00
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